This week in the shop: Ambulance 4x4 Conversion!
Well, this big boy made its way into the shop this week…
It’s a 95 Ford E350 7.3L Turbo Diesel

As you can see it’s a little bigger than most of our vehicles that come through…It’s giving us flashbacks to the RV 4x4 conversion we did a few years back!

It’s a tight fit in the shop but we love projects like this!
So here's what he’s getting:
· U-joint 4x4 Conversion kit with Dana 60 front
· Swapping from dually to single rear wheel
· Lift springs and shocks
· Rebuild transmission and convert to 4x4 (JR’s Transmission)
· Shorten Rear drive line and build front drive line (B&W Driveline)
Now time to get to work, we’ll keep you posted!
